New Buckenham Parish Council

9th July 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Large Meeting Room
Parish Clerk
07963 197402

New Buckenham Parish Council Meetings.

Meeting Dates for 2023

The parish Council normally meets on the second Tuesday of the month, excluding  August.

Meetings will be held at New Buckenham Village Hall. on:

January 10th,  February 14th, March 14th, April11th, May 9th, June13th,July 11th, AUGUST NO MEETING, September12th,October10th, November14th and December 12th.

Other meetings (called Extraordinary Meetings) may be called to discuss particular issues and will be announced on the website, and the agenda placed on the village noticeboard.

Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meeting. There is a standing item on agendas allowing for public participation which allows for a brief session during which local residents can voice their own views on items on the agenda.

The public are entitled to observe the councillors’ discussions and decision making, except when it is necessary to exclude the public from part of the meeting in the interests of confidentiality.

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